
Connect with your favorite tools

Imaging Integrations

Principle’s integration with Sidexis, Romexis, VixWin Platinum & EzDent-i provides a seamless way to manage and sync your dental images and patient records.With our integrations, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. You can:
  • Open patient files in Sidexis, Romexis, VixWin Platinum & EzDent-i from Principle with a single click
  • Automatically create new patients in Sidexis, Romexis, VixWin Platinum & EzDent-i when opening from Principle
  • Automatically sync images taken in Sidexis, Romexis, VixWin Platinum & EzDent-i to the patient’s file in Principle for easy viewing
This way, you can save time, avoid errors, and enhance your patient care. You can also access all your data from any device, thanks to the cloud-based technology of Principle.

Principle integrates with all Twain products through Principle Bridge. Access images taken with Twain products in Principle without the need to manually download images onto your computer. Plus connect directly to your scanners to easily upload images to your patient file. Access all your images from any device thanks to Principle’s cloud-based technology. 

Payment & Claim


Our HICAPS integration enables you to use HICAPS in sync with Principle to process transactions. HICAPS provides easy, efficient and accurate healthcare claiming solutions to streamline the claiming process and provide a seamless patient experience.

Tyro’s integration with Principle Software means fast transactions, reduced keying errors, and simplified end-of-day reconciliation. Tyro offers Healthpoint connect and Medicare Easy Claim. To register with Tyro, click here.

Together with Tyro, patients can claim on the spot through Medicare Easy Claim, get automatic reconciliation for Medicare and DVA, plus eliminate batching and printing DB vouchers with Bulk Bill Easyclaim. To register with Tyro, click here.


Our Smartpay integration enables you to use Smartpay insync with Principle to process transactions. Smartpay is an EFTPOS company that provides payment solutions to small to medium sized businesses in Australia and New Zealand.

Coming Soon

Easily use Ministry of Health NZ codes for quick and seamless claiming.  Ministry of Health provides free dental for New Zealand residents up to the age of 18.

Coming Soon

Streamline your ACC claims and invoices through Principle’s easy to use integration. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides compulsory insurance cover for personal injury for everyone in New Zealand, whether a citizen, resident or visitor. This means if you are injured by an accident in New Zealand, ACC may pay some of your medical and rehabilitation costs.

Safe & Reliable Messaging

Principle integrates with industry leader Twilio to send out safe and secure SMS and email messages to your patients.

Patient Marketing

Seamlessly connect your Podium capabilities with Principle. Marketing campaigns plus direct SMS messaging are integrated into Principle’s workflows and easily accessed in your patient file.